
Study: how to increase the communication capacity of the Seaweed Revolution?

Nov 9, 2022 | Survey

We are engaged with a team of CHARM-EU students conducting a research study to better understand the general public’s current awareness of seaweed and highlight potential gaps or needs. Their research is planned to be presented and shared in the context of the CHARM-EU Masters program as well as for the future use of the Safe Seaweed Coalition.

The questionnaire can be found here. It consists of 30 questions, and the students estimate it will take no more than 10 minutes to complete (no knowledge of seaweed is required!).

The Charm-EU team also developed a questionnaire for SSC Greenhouse members only, designed to understand your current use of our platform on Ubuntoo, that can be found here.

We strongly invite our general audience and membership to participate to this study and shape future communications strategies and tools to better disseminate and communicate the Seaweed Revolution!